Vedanta in quantum world - News Online English


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Wednesday 21 October 2020

Vedanta in quantum world

From a superficial view, Vedanta and quantum mechanics may look extremely different.

One is a part of evolution of modern physics while the other is the world’s most ancient spiritual philosophies about Hinduism. But both are a part of the same universe. So they must have the same underlying reality. Both are looking for the same underlying reality with different approaches.

Illustration: Ratna Sagar Shrestha/THT

Science starts to examine the universe “out there”, while Vedanta digs deep to understand the universe “in here”. Through the gradual understanding of macro particles, scientists started learning about the building blocks of the universe. They started looking inward from a molecule to an atom, sub-atomic particles, quarks and strings. They are trying to identify the energy developed on singularity, which is the building block of the universe.

Vedanta started looking “in here” and found the enormous energy within themselves, the energy which creates our unique universe at time=0, which is the present. If you look closely, whatever you see out there is all past stuff. If you look at the sun, its light takes eight minutes to reach us. If we look at a plane flying 30,000 feet above, light takes about 300 milliseconds to reach us. I am looking at a screen one foot away, and the light takes 1 nanosecond to reach me.

Everything we see around us is a memory object. The sun is 8 minutes old, the plane is 300 milliseconds old and the screen is 1 nanosecond old. As the distance reduces, the time taken by light to reach us also reduces.

So when you stop looking at a memory object and start to see the object at time=0, you find a singularity called Aatma, which is the underlying reality of every living being.

From the double slit experiment, we conclude that light behaves both as a particle and a wave. In the experiment, light is allowed to pass from two slits to a photographic plate. When the light wave touches the photographic plate at a particular location, the wave function collapses to become a photon particle in the presence of the detector.

Once the detector is removed, the particle again starts to behave like a wave. That means the particle doesn’t have existence until you observe it.

In 1923, de Broglie’s hypothesis explained that not only light but all matters exhibit wave-particle duality.

Vedanta says nothing is real unless observed. The Aatma behaves like a wave, and your detector – consciousness – accepts that as a particle. Once the detector is removed, Aatma again starts to behave like a wave until it reaches the next detector.

Physicists Neils Bohr and Erwin Schrodinger were readers of Vedic knowledge and observed Vedanta in the quantum world.


The post Vedanta in quantum world appeared first on The Himalayan Times.

from The Himalayan Times

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